
当財団が支援しているWHITE CANVASがNHKワールドJAPAN「Side by Side」に取材いただき、オンデマンドで2022年11月3日まで1年間、視聴することができます。

当財団が支援しているWHITE CANVASがNHKワールドJAPAN「Side by Side」に取材いただき、オンデマンドで2022年11月3日まで1年間、視聴することができます。


Showcasing Artists through IT: Sri Lanka, Thailand & Cambodia
November 3, 2021
The White Canvas Art Competition, held since 2020, discovers and connects unknown artists in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Cambodia to the international art market. The idea of one Japanese person grew into an international project, which accepts submissions on any theme, in any medium. Each country's winning art is shared with the world via a virtual gallery. A system has also been put in place to support artists in selling original work. Find out about the unique ways this competition uses IT, and the thoughts of those involved.